
THE VISION. The core idea was to create a new home for plants. It needed to be simple, clean, low-maintenance and hydroponic – without the use of any soil or dirt. Combining the idea of hydroponics and the concept of porous material was the key. Terraplanter created their proprietary ceramic material that has just the right amount of porosity and hygroscopic tendencies to allow water to diffuse through the material and allow the plant to grow on the surface of the material.

ESIGNING FOR PLANTS. Terraplanter wanted to design a piece that was aesthetically beautiful but it also needed to serve a function; it needed to be a good home for plants. For this they needed to produce a complex shape for the surface of the terraplanter to meet the needs of the plants.

Tags : KickstarterstartupsTerraplanter
Human Diaries

The author Human Diaries

Human Diaries is an online lifestyle magazine that delivers all the best in lifestyle, gadgets, gear, fashion, culture, recipes and more.

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