
LEGO® Card Catalog and Book Drop Kits for Library Folks

Have you always wanted a card catalog and book drop of your very own? Do you lack the room, the funds, or the opportunity to have full-sized, decommissioned and decontaminated library furniture in your living room? How about smaller versions for your desk, your dollhouse, or your very own little library?

Card Catalog

– 6 drawers. They each slide in and out. It’s super cool.

– Measures approx. 1 7/8″ x 3 1/8″ x 2 3/8″

– ~140 pieces

Book Drop

– Measures approx. 1 7/8″ x 2 3/16″ x 2 3/8″

– Contains about 56 pieces, including a few book-like bricks and 3 or so other items you might find in a book drop, things like food, personal care items, clothing, what have you. (We don’t want to ruin the surprise by being too specific, and not every kit will have the same items.)

– Custom Book Drop decal.

Who Are We?

Hi! We’re Gene Ambaum and Chris Hallbeck. We’ve been creating Library Comic together for about a year and a half. Chris is a LEGO® master and Gene is good at shipping things. You can find our comics on social media and at
Project Timeline

– mid to late June 2018: order parts and supplies

~June 27th or so: send Backerkit survey to backers

– July-ish: head overseas, try not to get food poisoning

– by July 31st: verify parts have been received

– August 2018: assemble kits

– late August 2018 begin shipping

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Tags : CrowdfundingIndiegogoKickstarter
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