
JOEE | World’s Best Cooler Accessory with 5 Amazing Features

The ultimate hard cooler organizer that maximizes space, protects food, provides a hygienic cutting board, and keeps ice longer on outdoor adventures. JOEE keeps food separated with 3 unique compartments. Food and drinks stay in place so you don’t have to dig around in gross hot dog water at the bottom of the cooler. In a loose cooler, heavy cans and bottles pound sandwiches into mush. By separating cans/bottles and including a lid, JOEE keeps your food secure and keeps food cold longer.

JOEE is made tough, but if you run into issues we’ve got you covered with a lifetime warranty. Send your JOEE back and we’ll turn your JOEE into a new one or refund your purchase.

JOEE packs in a lot of food and still has room available. There’s also room in the main cooler compartment outside of JOEE for food and beverages you don’t mind getting wet. In a YETI 45 (for example) we were able to fit a 10 lb bag of ice plus 6 one-liter bottles.

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