
Introducing AirHood™ – The Portable Range Hood. Removes grease, smoke, and cooking odors as they happen, and stops oil before it forms on your kitchen surfaces. Keep the air and your kitchen clean.

AirHood™’s oil filter gets rid of the fat particles found in the steam created by cooking, preventing it from settling and creating a yellowish film all over your kitchen surfaces. After all, prevention is the best cure for a messy kitchen! The wired option delivers unlimited power. And with a dedicated space for the cord in the foot of the device, storage and setup are just as easy and convenient as with our wireless AirHood™ option.

Whenever something is designed to make a statement, it’s important that it’s done right. To meet the needs of foodies who love to cook with large pots or pressure cookers, AirHood™ offer the possibility to extend the AirHood™ with a Base Boost to guarantee the best possible suction effect in any situation.

Very often, high temperatures can cause oils and fats to vaporize into toxic fumes that are dangerous for your long-term health. Instantly filter those harmful particles away with AirHood™. Its strong fan and filters clear the air of such particles before releasing it back into the room.

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