Explorer MAX

Toiletry bags – something you need every single time you travel. Gravel are set out to design the best bags on the planet. Here is a statement from their Kickstarter campaign:

We know it can be frustrating to buy travel sized everything. It’s nice to just throw in bulkier items like a hair brush, contact solution, a larger sized electric shaver, or even a curling iron. Stay organized, sanitary, & compact.

The Problem:

Most toiletry bags on the market today don’t offer much organization, are HUGE, or…a lot of times people just default to a Ziplock bag.

Shampoo and makeup explosions are the worst. Why should your toothbrush be in the same pocket as stuff like toenail clippers?

The Solution:

The Explorer MAX – a super versatile bag with tons of spacious pockets to pack it all while taking up a small footprint in your travel bag.

We’ve obsessed over using the best materials –  we’re using our travel tested QuarryPoly. Super durable & water repellent. It cleans easy & you’ll love the way it feels in your hands

Tags : Explorer MAXTravel
Human Diaries

The author Human Diaries

Human Diaries is an online lifestyle magazine that delivers all the best in lifestyle, gadgets, gear, fashion, culture, recipes and more.

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