Plant Light Nº1

Plant Light Nº1. The light emits a sun-like glow that is optimized for plants and people. It’s minimal form is designed to integrate into all areas of your home while complementing your plants inherent beauty.  

Growing plants can be a beautiful practice that blends into our living space and lifestyles. Designed to integrate into every home, PL1 is an example of simple, functional design with careful attention to detail.

Planters can be a very personal choice. PL1 aims to enhance every planter be it ceramic, steel or plastic. The base accommodates any planter size up to 25cm in diameter. We highly encourage you to seek out local artisans and ask if they have a planter to suit. This provides a way to add some personality to what is somewhat of a blank canvas; which is for us really something quite exciting. 

Not all light is equal. PL1 utilises advanced horticultural lighting technology to simulate the spectrum of the sun. It is also comfortable on the  eyes; making it suitable as an elegant interior lighting feature. 

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