
Becoming a mother is one of the best things that ever happened to me.  I felt like every day was mother’s day, especially since I was lucky enough to stay home with my kids every day for several years.

The kids got older, and now they’re all in school and I work outside the home.  Also, with the custody schedule, I don’t get to see them every day anymore.  I still get to see them for Mother’s Day every year, though.

Mother’s Day has changed for me over the years.  When my children were young, the gifts were things they made at school, usually drawings or other art projects.  I posted many of those pictures on the wall in my bedroom, and they’re still there.  My son sometimes folded the paper into an envelope.  One year, my oldest made me a flower out of foam, attached to a pipe cleaner, sticking out of a little flower pot.   The best part of that flower is her picture in the center of the petals.  One year, she made me some rose scented bath salts at school.  The jar they are in is covered with pretty cloth, and a ribbon.  I packed it away years ago, and recently found it.  Another popular thing was the coupon booklet.  Some of those were made at school, and some were made at home.  I rarely actually “cashed in” any, though.  I like to keep the things my kids have given me. Besides, they’re good kids, and will help me any time I ask them (without a ‘coupon’).

Some of the gifts weren’t actually for Mother’s Day, but were about motherhood.  I’ve gotten two key chains with “#1 Mom” on them.

My kids were upset they couldn’t make me breakfast in bed last year (it wasn’t my custody weekend, and I had already eaten before I picked them up for the day), so I came up with an idea.  I told them many people get breakfast in bed, but not many get lunch in bed!  So, that’s what we did, and it was wonderful.

Now that my youngest is in middle school, the gifts from school have stopped.  They all have their own debit cards and spending money.  Sometimes, the gifts are still made by hand, though.

To me, the best part of Mother’s Day is knowing that I will get to spend the day with my kids!


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