We at Human Diaries feel very lucky – not everyone gets the chance to interview awesome people! We love to get all kinds of entries from all over the world, but it’s always extra special to us when we are given something to share that can educate our readers about topics to help promote good health and a happy environment. Being healthy is a lifestyle and those who choose to teach others how to live it have our respect! I was privileged enough to interview Nicole Carter about her educational health programs, and she was kind enough to answer all of my questions and join our enriching community of special people.
Hi Nicole! Could you please tell our readers a little bit about yourself?
A – I am a mother of two and I have my own business called the wellness experience where I have developed health and wellness programs as a result of my last 15 years as a health educator. I’m also a yoga and barre teacher. I live in Southern California near the beach which is one of my favorite things: beach life, healthy food, family.
Q – How did you get into yoga? Who or what inspired you?
A – I started taking yoga classes about 16 years ago and it really help me to feel calmer and happier and my body felt great. So I just continued for the last 15 years or so and then last year went to teacher training and became a teacher.
Q – Do you need some special training to be a yoga instructor?
A – Yes technically you need at least 200 hours of training.
Q- What is the connection between healthy nutrition and a balanced yoga practice?
A – Well I think both are very important for your body. So many people are focused on hard-core workouts sweating as much as possible and getting as intense as possible. I don’t feel like that is necessary; if you eat really well that’s 80% of the job keeping your insides healthy. After that it just becomes keeping your spine and joints movable, and lengthening your muscles. They are different but in my opinion both are critical for overall health.
Q – What have been your greatest success(es) to date?
A – I’m really happy that I went to graduate school and earned my masters degree in public health. I think that has helped me gain a tremendous amount of perspective when it comes to keeping people healthy.
Q – What are some of the greatest challenges you have had to overcome?
A – Being responsible for every aspect of growing a business single-handedly.
Q – I imagine people’s perception on “get healthy” programs is not always accurate. What can you tell us about that?
A – I think people just expect to cut calories and think that equals weight loss and better health. That strategy MIGHT work for a minute but usually is ineffective in maintaining body fat and also doesn’t address food quality or what’s going on in the body.
Q – What are your biggest job motivators?
A – When people tell me about what great results they’ve had following my programs and how it has changed their life. Many people contact me and tell me that they’ve been able to go off medications or their life has changed, or their health has changed dramatically for the better. That makes all my work worth every bit of effort.
Q – How can one join your program? Do they have to be physically present to participate?
A – I teach live workshops for those that are in the Southern California area. I also work with individuals in their homes and if they are not near me they can join in on the classes online via my website http://www.healthywithNicole.com
I have e-courses as well as some e-books coming out one that will in fact be available this week.
Q – Any funny stories you would like to share with our readers?
A – I’m a big believer in the power of intention, so I love Vision boards. I lived in Las Vegas for 18 years, which I mostly hated because I love nature and water and felt very deprived of all that there. So a few years ago I made a vision board with the things I wanted, including my dreams and visions of where I wanted to live, my work goals etc. At some point that year, the vision board was put aside into a box in the garage. Fast forward two years later, after relocating to Laguna beach where I had always dreamed of living. I was in the garage a couple of months after the move and found my vision board. All of the pictures and sayings had fallen off, except for one. The one in the center. It read “the coast”.
Q – Do you have any heroes?
A – Albert Einstein. He was smart but he also pioneered the belief that our thoughts create our reality. “Where intention goes Energy flows” and also Hippocrates who taught us that food is medicine.
“Let your food be your medicine and medicine be your food”
Q – Do you have any words to live by?
A – You can’t change the past but you can create the future.