
Holidays are a great way to connect with family members and friends to celebrate and be grateful for all of the wonderful things we have, especially on Thanksgiving. It is tradition to gather around for a feast and share with those who are less fortunate, and be grateful for all that we have, such as a home, family and friends. It is our custom here at Human Diaries to look for homeless shelters around the holidays and some other times throughout the year and share our blessings with them. I am amazed at how grateful and humble people can be when receiving because of your big heart and good will to help. However, we have to remember this year to take some socks with us when we deliver the food. When are socks almost as important as food? Perhaps always!

Here is a list of some things to be grateful for on Thanksgiving Day (and every day):

Being able to help others: being blessed so much that we can share with those in need

Family: those we love and often live (or have lived) with or visit

Friends: those we’ve chosen to include in our lives

A home: a place to sleep; safety; shelter; a place to keep ourselves and our belongings

Good health: taking care of ourselves is the best present we can give ourselves

Life: make it the best you can!

Inspiration: a motivating force that allows us to lead a fuller life

The so-called “little things”: quite often the most important things of all!

Opportunities: seize them and make the most of them!

Memories: cherish them; they make our lives richer

Life is not about collecting things; life is about sharing, giving, and helping each other, and collecting memories. Humanity is in desperate need of emotions and being involved. We don’t need to just continue to watch viral videos where someone helped an individual person but rather all of us take the inspiration torch and move forward in helping others. One small act of kindness will have a huge impact in the way our children carry on the legacy.

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Tags : HealthHomeInspirationLoveMemoriesOpportunitiesThanksgiving
Human Diaries

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Human Diaries is an online lifestyle magazine that delivers all the best in lifestyle, gadgets, gear, fashion, culture, recipes and more.

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