
The Name

The word gastropod comes from the word gastrointestinal from gastrointestinal system and the Latin word for foot “pes”. The name literally means stomach foot.

Mating Seasons

Mating season is all year, but they mainly mate in autumn. All gastropods are hermaphrodites so when two snails mate, they both lay eggs. It also means that any gastropod can mate with any gastropod. Not all species have egg sacks, but in an egg sack there can be between 100-450 eggs! Unless eaten every egg hatches. When mating, the two gastropods will press their feet, or stomachs, together. Then each snail injects the other with a sperm-filled dart. Afterwards, each snail lays eggs.


Slugs have no shells and therefore, no way to protect themselves. They’re more likely to have orange mucus than slugs, which can be used as a natural adhesive due to the molecular composition of the orange mucus.


Snails have shells. Due to their shells, if they lose them, then they will die. If they do live then their internal organs and skin will be in the shape of their shell.


A gastropod has lungs, so the fresh and salt water snails and slugs can hold their breath for a long time, but they still need air. Each gastropod has one foot, two feelers, and two eyestalks. Snails and slugs are in the gastropod family, and they are also mollusks.


At first, there were only snails. Then over a very long period of time, the babies had slightly less calcium. Eventually, the shells were completely gone. Then the bodies changes slightly, so while they have similar biology, it is different.

Tags : Child ContributionGastropodsSnail
Human Diaries

The author Human Diaries

Human Diaries is an online lifestyle magazine that delivers all the best in lifestyle, gadgets, gear, fashion, culture, recipes and more.

1 Comment

  1. This lesson actually woke my brain up to the same thing I learned in junior high. I forgot all about this. Man, that was 40 years ago maybe.
    Thank You for the great info

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