
An electric motorbike designed for the adventurous, freedom-seeker in you. Built to transcend barriers while offering a fresh, carefree riding experience. Engineered to be an extension of you, the rider.

Ride wild. Ride free. Free from noise, vibration, fumes, and fueling stations. Metacycle brings you the freedom to unapologetically experience the joy of the ride in its purest form. Built for an elevated transportation experience that makes the ordinary journey, a trip of a lifetime.

Metacycle features SONDORS exclusive cast “exo-frame” with a sleek, narrow profile, beyond anything previously available in motorcycling. This unique construction gives Metacycle a low and light profile, making it accessible to virtually anyone. Metacycle also features an integrated phone compartment with a transparent cover and wireless charging, so you can ride free with the option of staying connected.


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