My son and I like math and numbers. We enjoy repetitive, consecutive, or palindrome numbers. 3:33 is one of our favorite times of day, as is 12:34. Pi Day has been a favorite unofficial holiday for us every year. We usually celebrate with pie – pizza for dinner, and pie for dessert. It’s a silly but fun little (pun) tradition that we enjoy.
Today is Super Pi Day, because the date (American style) is 3/14/15, and the beginning of Pi is 3.1415. This morning at 9:26:53 is even better – 3.141592653. If you don’t want to use military time, it will happen again this evening.
My son has a “Pi chart” in his room that we got him for his birthday one year. He memorized the first 67 decimals, or as he put it “enough for a stranger to deduce that I have no life” – he’s funny!