
This winter we decide to have a great time with my colleagues. We decided to feel the first snow this year and at the same time to amuse well. We didn’t want to spend a lot of money so we decided to go skiing here in Macedonia, more exactly on the mountain called the “hat priest”.

It is a very beautiful mountain and the ski trails are good for beginners. There also trails for experienced skiers but most of were beginners and that’s why we chose this place. We wanted to spend a great weekend with a special party at the well known disco on this ski resort.

We decided to rent a weekend house for 9 persons. It was a beautiful wooden house with a good ambient. It had a great location and it was close to the ski trails. We stayed there for three days and we had a great time to remember.

During the three days we experienced the ski trails on this wonderful place and we enjoyed the fresh air with a cold beer. We also could catch the sun and to relax our mind and souls. Some of us were taking ski lessons for beginners and the most experienced ones has discover the secrets of this marvelous place. We participated in organized tournaments for beginners and also for the experienced ones. One of us has won a 1st place in the experienced category. That night we went to the disco and celebrated the success. We were so happy that we forgot that we had another tournament next morning. Obviously we didn’t participate in this one because of our hangover. We used our go-pro camera to capture the most interesting moments.

We created videos with funny moments. We decided to create a special video with ski fails. This was really interesting and every one of us was caught in their best fail position. We chose the most interesting ones and create a video that would remember us on this good time. Another video was also a part of this amazing trip with our walking tours during exploring the area. It has also amusing moments and through it we can see how our time has passed. At nights we amused in the disco Snow-Patrol where we drink and dance all night. But, this was only one night because the next morning we were unable to go to the ski terrains.

The other nights we stayed in our weekend house playing cards and other social games. We drunk red wine and we were recording videos of inside the house. We also cooked extraordinary meals for all of us and we helped each other to be a better skier for the next morning.

It was a great spent time with wonderful persons in a stunning place. I would definitely organize another trip to this beautiful place. I hope that we would have better moments because now we are experienced skiers and people with good condition.

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