
October 29 is annual National Cat Day.  This is our first year with our cats, and also the first year I found out there is such a thing as National Cat Day.

Charles Dickens said, “What greater gift than the love of a cat?”

Have you been thinking about adopting a cat?  Or maybe another cat?  Some places, such as the LA animal shelters, are offering free kitten adoptions on October 29, 2016.  Other places might have reduced costs, or other special deals.  If you’re like us, at your “cat maximum”, there are still ways to celebrate National Cat Day.  You can buy or make your cat(s) a new toy, or something like a scratching post or cat shelves.  You can foster a cat or kitten for a while.  Volunteer at a cat shelter.  Give a special treat to your cat or cats.  Some people recommend baking cat shaped treats for the humans in the house.  My daughter recently made “cookie cats” out of a special type of cookie dough and ice cream, and posted the recipe and pictures on her Steven Universe Amino App.  If you want to follow her and see what she did, just click on the link:

Sigmund Freud said, “Time spent with cats is never wasted.”

If you can’t take a cat home (or even if you could), there are places that allow people to visit and play with cats.  I know of a place in Norristown called Kitty Cottage that allows their (mainly older) cats to roam free in different rooms throughout the house.  A few years ago, I took two of my children to visit and play with the cats there.  Also, the Pet Supplies Plus store nearby lets the cats out into a “fenced in” area so they can stretch out, and people can play with them.  If there is no place near you, maybe you can visit someone with a cat.  One website I saw mentioned visiting an elderly person with a cat and helping him or her play with and care for the cat.  It’s a good idea to visit someone anyway!

I’m sure many people will (even more than usual) share quotes, photos, and stories online about their cats to celebrate National Cat Day.  You can wear clothing with pictures of cats on it.  If you have a cat, you can also wear some of your cat’s hair on it.  Oh, wait – that happens every day! (haha)

If you love cats, but can’t be around them due to allergies, you can still help them out by donating cash or needed items to a cat rescue organization.

Some people even recommend having a party to celebrate cats.

Do you have any other ideas about how to celebrate National Cat Day?  Whatever you decide to do, I hope you enjoy the day!

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