The best omelet

One night, we had steamed asparagus and sautéed mushrooms as side dishes with dinner. There was a little of each left over, and I was wondering what to do with them. I don’t like to waste food, but wasn’t sure what to do that small quantity. Then I came up with an idea of how to use those leftovers; I thought they might be tasty in an omelet. The results were even better than I had anticipated.

2 T oil or butter
1/3 C sliced mushrooms (approximately)
1/3 C asparagus (approximately)
4 eggs
1 T butter
1 T oil
¼ C shredded cheddar cheese (approximately)

Sauté mushrooms in 2T oil or butter until tender, then chop into small pieces when cool enough to handle.
Steam asparagus; then cut into small pieces when cool enough to handle.
Scramble the raw eggs in a bowl.
Heat 1T each of butter and oil on medium high in a medium sized skillet.
Pour eggs in to heated skillet, and turn to medium low.
Cover with a lid to retain heat.
When eggs are partially set, remove lid, sprinkle mushroom and asparagus pieces over one half, then replace lid.
When eggs are almost completely set, remove lid, sprinkle shredded cheddar over the other half, and replace the lid.
When eggs are set, and cheese is melted, remove lid, and gently flip the cheese half over the vegetable half. Carefully slide omelet out of pan onto a plate. Share it with someone!


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