Healthy Salad

There are so many salads out there with different ingredients and flavors but your own creation always topples them all. How many times you were in the mood to make something that you were proud of and couldn’t wait to eat? Today, we are proud of our own salad. We hope that you can also make it, enjoy it and share it with others.

There are no limits to a creation! We would like to believe that you can use:

plum tomatoes
Kirby cucumbers
baby bell peppers
fresh mozzarella cheese slices
green olives
black olives
shredded Parmesan cheese
Italian salad dressing
pickled artichoke hearts

I’ve never seen a diet that forbids or discourages leafy green salads. In fact, most recommend increasing intake of leafy greens and vegetables! This salad was very healthy and tasty.

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