
April 30, 2015 is Poem in Your Pocket Day. It’s a rather new tradition, only dating back to 2002. I haven’t heard of it outside of the school environment. Every April, in order to encourage children to read more poetry, there is one day when children are asked to carry a poem of their choice in their pocket to share with others. At my daughter’s school, they will be asking children to share their poems, and will randomly award small prizes to those who do. My daughter wrote a haiku to carry this year. It’s called Fish.

Fish swim across my
horizon. See the sea with
nature’s beauty, fish.

She’s hoping to get one of the random prizes, of course, but this isn’t the first time she’s written anything.

I remember reading and writing poetry when I was young. The sister of one of my teachers even published a poetry book, and I was given an autographed copy.

Poetry isn’t always the most popular thing with people, but I think it’s good to at least read some and decide for yourself if it’s something you like. It’s also good for people to realize that there are many different types of poems – not just limericks or simple rhyming poems. If you think you don’t like poetry, maybe you just need to try a different type.


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