

100 g dried long red chillies, seeded
½ tsp caraway seeds
½ tsp cumin seeds
1 tsp coriander seeds
100 ml extra virgin olive oil
5 garlic cloves, crushed
2 tbsp lemon juice


Place chillies in a bowl and pour over enough boiling water to cover. Place a small plate directly on top of chillies to keep them submerged then stand for 1½ hours or until very soft. Drain well.

Meanwhile, heat a small frying pan over medium–low heat, add spices and fry, stirring frequently, for 2 minutes or until fragrant. Finely grind spices in an electric spice grinder or a mortar and pestle. Combine drained chillies, spices, 1 tsp salt, ½ tsp pepper and remaining ingredients in a small food processor. Process to a smooth paste, occasionally scraping down sides. Push mixture through a food mill, extracting as much purée as possible; the solids should be dry. Transfer mixture to a sterilised jar and seal. Harissa will keep for up to 1 year stored in an airtight container in the refrigerator.

Tags : HarissaTunisianTunisian Harissa
Human Diaries

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Human Diaries is an online lifestyle magazine that delivers all the best in lifestyle, gadgets, gear, fashion, culture, recipes and more.

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