
One cold, dark grey day, during a walk around downtown Wayne, I spied a place I hadn’t noticed before. It’s called Teresa’s Café. I had heard my step son talking about cannolis shortly before that, so I decided to stop in to see if I could get one there. I walked in the door, and was immediately greeted by a staff member, who invited me in. I noted how clean and soothing the restaurant was. I was mesmerized by how relaxed I became as soon as I sat down. When the waitress came by, I asked for coffee and a cannoli. I soon had my very first cannoli experience, and WOW! What an experience! First of all, the presentation was very impressive. I felt as though it had been designed just for me. I almost felt guilty picking it up to eat it. But, I must admit that I was extremely glad that I did. It was an amazing taste experience. The outside was a crispy yet slightly chewy shell, and the inside was a light and fluffy cream filling. It turned my day upside down in the best possible way. I really couldn’t wait for a reason to go back again.

So today, when my stepson texted me, I made arrangements to meet him somewhere. We started walking toward Teresa’s Café, and while we were still a little far from it, he noticed the direction we were headed, and correctly guessed our destination. He quickly became as excited as I had already been. We arrived at the door, and were greeted by a very nice gentleman named Raymond. He was very hospitable and politely offered us menus. We declined, and explained that we already knew exactly what we were there for. My stepson had eaten cannolis many times in the past, but not at Teresa’s Café. We ordered a total of three, and they arrived very quickly. My stepson picked one up, and took his first bite. I saw that look on his face that shows that he is obviously in culinary heaven. He needed a moment to pause in order to savor the incredible flavors that were flowing over his taste buds. We had no problem finishing all three pastries!

We look forward to returning to Teresa’s Café, and maybe trying something else from the menu. We both would give it five stars!

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Tags : Teresa'sTeresa's CafeTeresa's Cafe & Next Door BarTeresa's Cafe WayneTeresa's Cafe Wayne PA
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