
The Life Center is located at 63rd and Market Streets in Upper Darby.  It houses 50 individuals at any given time and serves over 160 residents per year.  Residents participate in the evening meal program and the Life Center also supplements their morning and noon meals.  The evening meal program is open to the public and anyone who is hungry can come here to eat.  Thanks to over 40 churches, synagogues, and temples, over 200 meals are served every evening, from 7-8 p.m.  (Last year the meal program served over 79,000 meals with 11,114 volunteer hours.)  The number of needy individuals participating in the meal program increases every year.  A community shower program is also available every Monday, Wednesday, and Friday from 10 am to 2 pm.  Shelter residents receive multiple services, including:

  • Aids Coalition: testing and counseling every first and third Mondays from 6 – 8 pm
  • A.A Meetings:  Thursdays 4-6 pm & Saturdays 12 –  1:30 pm
  • N.A. Meetings:  Sundays 10:30 to 12:30 pm
  • Life Skills classes on Tuesdays from 2-3:30 each week.

The Life Center also hosts two health clinics, one in the spring and one in the fall, that are open to the public.  Nurses from the University of Penn conduct the clinics.

The mission of the Community Action Agency of Delaware County, Inc. (CAADC, Inc.) and its affiliate corporations and partnerships is to assist families and individuals to move toward economic self-sufficiency and reduce their dependence on public support through innovative approaches to programs including:  provision of professional case management services,  life skills training, employment training,  provision of social services, and housing,  community and economic development.

Community Action Agency of Delaware County, Inc. strives to prudently but creatively utilize all available resources, both public and private, including:local, state and federal government; individuals, foundations and corporations; and income generated from economic development projects,  private financing and private partnerships.

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Tags : Delaware CountyLife CenterShelterShelter Upper Darby PA
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