
Bonnie MacAllister, M.Ed., French Education (2008)
B.A., French, Semiotics, Film (1999)
Graduate study at Université de Paris, Sorbonne and Paris VIII (1997)

A former student of notated scholars Jacques Derrida, Hélène Cixous, and filmmaker Agnès Varda, MacAllister is an award winning multimedia performance artist.  Her work has been showcased at Riverside Library (Lincoln Center), Boricua College (Manhattan), the Delaware Art Museum, et al Projects (NY), Glenview Mansion (MD), Commerce Square, and the swag bags at the 55th Annual Grammy Awards. She has showcased her films and music through Classwar Karaoke (UK), the Leap Second Festival (Norway), University of Sussex (UK), Kongo Kanvas (PA), and at the Kyoto Hotel (Los Angeles).  MacAllister has performed at Sandy Spring Museum (MD), New York Foundation for the Arts (NYFA), Raandesk Gallery (NY), Highwire Gallery (PA), the Rotunda (University of Pennsylvania), Cat Cat Club (Paris), Pterodactyl Gallery (PA), and Le Grand Fromage (NJ).  She has received grants from the City of Philadelphia Department of Commerce, a Fulbright-Hays award (Ethiopia), Teach for America Fellowship (2008), and a fellowship award to Lyon (2010).

Bonnie MacAllister attempts to render moments through a variety of media.   Often pieces are multi-genre, fusing painting, photography, book arts, slide installations, spoken word, video, and performance. She is a 2009 Fulbright-Hays awardee to Ethiopia, a 2007 Pushcart Prize Nominee and five time slam poetry champion in the United States and France.  Her international publication credits include Black Robert Journal, Paper Tiger Media, Dead Drunk Dublin and Other Imaginal Spaces, and nth Position.  Bonnie has recently exhibited at the Utopian Library in Viareggio, Italy and in la Galería del MEC, Montevideo, Uruguay.

Website: Click here

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