This year for the Christmas holidays, we decided to go to Hungary – more exactly in Szeged. We found out that it is a beautiful travel destination and we wanted to visit it. On our trip to Belgrade, we continued our trip to this marvelous location. Again, we were a few friends who wanted to experience something new and different. We wanted to feel the Christmas magic and we wanted to visit this town.
Our wish came true. We were hosted in Belgrade but one day we went to this stunning town. We enjoyed the lovely atmosphere of the winter holidays and the winter time. The magic of this city attracts people to it and we were glad that we had this opportunity. We had a great time there. First of all we tried Hungarian beer and we drank a lot of it. They introduced a game to us and it was more like a tournament of drinking beer. All the guests in the restaurant played the same game. The table which consumed the most beers was the winner. The reward was a free night in Szeged in the apartments the restaurant owns. The reward wasn’t interesting to us because the stay was inexpensive, however it was an interesting game and who doesn’t want to win when it comes to drinking the best beer in the world!
We accepted the challenge and of course we won the game. It wasn’t difficult because we went upstairs to rest from the game. We didn’t want to win the game but it was our first game of this type and it was interesting to us. We wanted to have a travel story that we would retell later in our lives more like a story from our young age.

The next morning, we visited the Christmas market in this town and we purchased some gifts for our closest friends and family. We also purchased some Christmas trees and chocolates. They were like a specific gift from this beautiful place. We enjoyed the lovely music that was played by a special orchestra with the best Hungarian musicians. We also enjoyed the traditional concert in honour of the new year and new beginnings.
After all of this, we went to another restaurant were we tasted some Hungarian muffins and cheese. They were very delicious and we bought some of them for our family in Macedonia. We have a tradition to buy specific things from other countries so our family can try them when we get back home. After all this, we returned to Belgrade where we explained why we didn’t come back the previous night as planned.
It was an interesting trip and all of us were content not because of the reward but because it was something different and something that happened for us for the first time. This time we have a story to tell to our other friends if we want to laugh a little bit more. The place was also amazing and the Hungarian people were very kind and generous.