
One of the very special people I know and love is my Aunt Esther. She’s one of the sweetest people I know. Whenever I visit, she always greets me warmly, with love and hugs. She always has plenty of delicious food to share, too. Uncle Bill and Aunt Esther live near my grandma, so I was lucky enough to see them often. We used to go visit my grandparents every Sunday when I was growing up. Then we could just go across the street to visit Uncle Bill and Aunt Esther, too. I remember when we were children, my siblings and I would visit them, and when we left, we each had a bag of candy to take with us. It wasn’t overly unusual to have a toy or two, too! Going to visit Aunt Esther and Uncle Bill was fun for other reasons, too. They have a big back yard which includes a hill, a dam, woods, a garden, and plenty of farm animals. We even found water turtles once. I remember feeding the geese, ducks, and chickens during one of my many childhood visits. And of course, all of their children would be there too – technically, they are my dad’s cousins, but I didn’t know that when I was really young. That’s one of the interesting things about being part of a very large family. The generations are stretched out so much they almost overlap. Aunt Esther and Uncle Bill’s two youngest children are close to my age.

One of the best times to visit Aunt Esther is during the Christmas season. No one decorates for the holidays the way she does. She manages to cover every available spot with beautiful decorations that she’s collected over the years. It really is quite impressive! I’ve never seen anyone who gets more into the Christmas spirit. Her house sparkles and glows with all of the Christmas decorations and beautiful lights.

I still like to visit her whenever I’m out that way, and I really look forward to going there again (soon, I hope).

Today (February 12) is her birthday. A very happy birthday to a very special person! I love you so much, (Great) Aunt Esther!

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