
A year ago, on January 19, 2015, my first entry for Human Diaries was published. Since then, I’ve added more than a hundred articles – this one is number 123. I am so happy to have the opportunity to post my articles where so many people can see them.

My articles have been about many different aspects of life. I started out writing about and sharing a poem that my daughter wrote for me, and since then I’ve covered many other topics related to family (the most important thing of all). I’ve written about things I’ve experienced, places I’ve gone, my thoughts, things I’ve observed, and some helpful hints I’ve learned. I’ve also added in some recipes. That is basically the vision for Human Diaries – a place where people could share parts of their lives with others in a caring and supportive environment. Inspiration to others is a definite bonus! I hope I’ve inspired someone out there.

I like to help others, too. A relative recently told me she remembered that I mentioned that slow drains can be cleared with baking soda, vinegar, and hot water. She looked it up and tried it, and it worked!

I’ve also contributed to the forums – it’s a great place to tell a brief story, share information, or send a shout out to someone, for example.

I’m happy to see that others have also shared parts of their lives as well. I believe that basically everyone has something interesting that they could share with others. I would love to get stories about the elderly – especially stories from long ago. I remember when I was a child, a woman we called Aunt Betty told us how she had earned her pilot’s license, which was rather unusual for a woman back then (in the 1940s, I think). I always love to hear family members tell stories about things that happened before I was born, or when I was very young.

It’s also interesting to hear about things that happened recently, too. One example is someone I know from childhood who, among many other things, shaved her head last year to raise money in the fight against childhood cancer. She’s doing it again this year, too! A teenaged nephew auditioned and was chosen to be in a play. Several people have written about overcoming adversity. Those are all stories that I find to be inspiring.

Being a human is difficult, but there are also so many beautiful and wonderful things around us. Humans help that to happen, and I love to hear about how they do so. I like to write about some of the amazing things I encounter – whether a person, a place, or even a delicious treat (like some raspberry black tea I found not long ago). I’ve enjoyed writing this past year, and look forward to many more years of writing for Human Diaries.

We’d like to hear from more people – whether you want to write just once, or more than a hundred times!

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Human Diaries is an online lifestyle magazine that delivers all the best in lifestyle, gadgets, gear, fashion, culture, recipes and more.

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