I often think about how fortunate I am to be able to play in a band … and how fortunate I am to have met so many people who genuinely love our music. Armadillo Jump’s music fans simply can’t be beat. Several of them have inspired me to write about their ongoing generosity, support and encouragement.
I’d first like to mention two professional photographer friends who have captured our passion for music by coming out to our gigs to take pictures of us in action. Gary Eckhart and Teddy Snider often show up to take pictures of us, as well as other bands, because of their love of music and to share their God-given talents. These photos are worth gold to me and will be treasured forever and ever. In addition to this, some of these photos have inspired me to record my own CD in the not-too-distant future. Also, I can’t help but think about how much my adult kids will cherish these pictures more and more as time goes on … Gary and Teddy, you are truly appreciated …
I can’t say enough good things about my friend, John El Hanafi … He is my earth angel who happened to see one of my original songs/videos, which I posted on YouTube. He wrote to me, saying that I should have a music website. I told him that I didn’t know how to go about doing this and that I didn’t have the funds for it. He didn’t skip a beat … He has spent countless hours in building a website for me, helping me out with social media, showering me with encouragement, interviewing me and publishing these articles, suggesting new ideas, etc. This is somebody whom I’ve never had the chance to meet in person (but I sure hope to meet John and his beautiful family some day). Talk about “random acts of kindness.” John, you are truly appreciated …

Then there’s Lynn Struensee Dahlgre and Chuck Peter who gather up friends/dancers from “U Wanna Dance” to come out to our gigs. This is key in helping us fill up the bigger rooms and in helping us get rebooked by these venues. There’s nothing like watching your dancing friends from the stage … It’s easy to see that dancing to LIVE music fills the soul … Lynn and Chuck, you are truly appreciated …
Rick Angelo is always willing to help out (and even created a “Friends Who Like Armadillo Jump” Facebook page for the band. He has even gone that extra mile towards helping me out with my own musical projects. Rick, you are truly appreciated …
Deborah Held-Lanning is the Director of Armadillo Jump’s percussion section. She often times brings her suitcase filled with hand-made percussion instruments and hands them out to the crowd … I catch myself smiling at her “percussion productions” (even when I’m playing a sax solo) … Deborah, you are truly appreciated …
Speaking of both Rick and Deborah, they are both willing to bring our tip bucket around. This helps us out immensely with AJ’s marketing (AJ buttons, posters, etc.) … A long story short, I even received a doorknob for my bathroom door in the tip bucket … This has got to be a first! Again, Deborah and Rick, you are both truly appreciated …
Denny Stockdale is full of positive energy. He has a way of dancing to the sounds of Armadillo Jump even when he’s just sitting on the barstool. He has given me two cards that I’ve posted on my vanity mirror. They say “Keep Smiling” and “Did I Tell You How Much I Appreciate You.” Denny, you are truly appreciated …
I’d like to give a big shout-out to all spouses of the AJ band members who support their rock-star spouses by going along with their late-night hours (I’m sure it’s not always easy), showing up, jumpin’ and having fun at our gigs, as well as your friendship … Rick, Connie, Pam and Toni … You are all truly appreciated.
To our AJ Jumpers … There are too many of you to name individually (which is a good thing, right?) Some of you stick out more than others and have an extra special place in my heart (You must jump higher or something) … You have sent many encouraging and supportive notes. Your notes will never be forgotten and will always be treasured. You know who you are, and you are truly appreciated …
I want to especially mention the help of my friends for my “All About to Change” video … It was a snowy evening, and the roads were extra slick the night of the taping (to the point where I almost cancelled). Regardless of the weather conditions, a huge crowd of friends showed up with enthusiasm and got their “Country On.” You know who you are, and you are truly appreciated …
Gene and Lucy Skaggs are my two-in-a-million friends all the way from Nashville, Tennessee. They graciously opened up their home to me in order for me to finish taping “All About to Change” in Nashville. You can read all about this incredible story in Gene’s up-and-coming book, “The Brighter Side of Darkness.” Gene and Lucy, you are truly appreciated … I don’t want to give the story away, because you will all want to read about it in Gene’s book, but Anderson Skaggs, you are truly appreciated …
To my fellow AJ musicians … What can I say? You are my second family. I received a guitar pick in memory of my deceased friend that says “May the music play on.” Monica, Johnny, Mike and Jim, you are truly appreciated …
To all who have “liked” my music page. Stick with me … With your ongoing support and encouragement, 2016 is going to be a spectacular musical year … You are truly appreciated …
Last, but certainly not least, are my adult kids who simply believe in me. You have been surrounded with music from the moment you were born … Your first song that I sang to you was “Edelweiss.” In my mind, it was always “Bless our home forever.” All three of you are working very hard towards your goals, and I’m very proud of you! Always remember, “Home is where your story begins.” May you always feel the music as you journey through life … I love all three of you, and you are all truly appreciated …