

1 cup yukon gold potato, 3/4-inch peeled, cooked till tender
1 cup sweet potato, 3/4-inch, peeled, cooked till tender
1 cup cauliflower, lightly cooked florets
1 cup broccoli, lightly cooked florets
4 carrots, peeled and sliced into ribbons
3 small canned beets (1/4-inch slices)
10 bibb lettuce
10 leaves red cabbage

Vinaigrette Dressing

1 tablespoon fresh thyme, chopped
2 tablespoons fresh lemon juice
2 tablespoons red wine vinegar
1 tablespoon Dijon mustard
1⁄4 teaspoon sugar
1⁄8 teaspoon fresh ground black pepper
1⁄4 cup extra virgin olive oil

Dipping Sauce

2 ground dried chile (1/8 to 1/4 teaspoon chile)
1⁄2 cup prepared seafood cocktail sauce
1⁄4 cup mayonnaise
1⁄4 teaspoon fresh ground black pepper



Combine thyme and next 5 ingredients (thyme through 1/8 teaspoon black pepper), stirring with a whisk. Add oil, stirring well to combine; drizzle vinaigrette over lettuce.


Place potatoes in a large bowl with cauliflower, broccoli and carrots gently toss in dressing. At this point — can be made the day before and chilled.

Arrange lettuce and cabbage leaves alternately on a large chilled platter.
Spoon potato mixture over lettuce; top with beets.

Dipping sauce:

Place chiles in a medium bowl add cocktail sauce and remaining ingredients, stirring well to combine.

Serve with vegetables.

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Tags : BeetBroccolicauliflowerPotatoSalad Platter
Human Diaries

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