“Nothing happens by chance …” Initially, my song “Big Picture Window” was only meant to be a gift for my son, Kevin, for one of his high-school graduation gifts. As I was picking out pictures for this song/picture montage, “the Big Picture” in my life became even more clear to me. What a blessing it has been to be called “Mom.” I will always treasure the years I had as a stay-at-home Mom (all 16 of them) … Once I finished my project, I quickly decided to share its positive message, and I posted it on YouTube (with Kevin’s permission, of course). Another “Big Picture” moment came upon me. Oprah says “light-bulb” moment. I say “Big Picture” moment : ) I firmly believe that my purpose here is to make a positive difference in this world through my music. Thanks to my friends and family, I received a lot of YouTube views … Then I joined Twitter … and there were even more views.

Out of the blue, I received a note from a gentleman on Twitter who said that he very much liked my song. He also said that he posted a YouTube video as well. I watched and listened to this beautiful music video … but sadly, it was a tribute to his son, Anderson, who is now in Heaven … I immediately felt Anderson’s presence. I felt a waive of energy, which prompted me to look his Dad’s phone number up. I called his Dad, Gene, and expressed my sympathy to him and told him how much his song had moved me. We became fast friends and communicated through e-mail and facebook quite a bit. Gene told me that if I was ever in Nashville, I could stay with him and his wife, Lucy. It really didn’t phase me much … but as the months went by, I felt Anderson’s silent persuasiveness … and his little, encouraging “pushes.” I knew it was time for me to take a trip to Nashville in order to bring some more attention to my songwriting. I sent Gene a note, asking if he was serious about his generous offer. He checked it all out with his wife, Lucy, and soon thereafter said “Come on down.” They sure have it right when they talk about that Southern hospitality!

When I got to Nashville, I learned that the rental car company screwed up my reservation. They were also sold out of rental cars. I waited for 1/2 hour, and a gentleman came by and said “Let’s find you a car.” He said “You ordered an economy car, right?” I said “Yes, but for the inconvenience, do you think you can upgrade me?” He said “I think we can do that.” He made a sudden stop and said “How about this one?” It was a nice, shiny, black mid-size car, and I said “This is great!” I then drove out to Gene and Lucy’s house. When I arrived, I took my suitcase out of the trunk, and when I looked down, I had to take a double-take. In big letters, the license plate of the rental car read “ANDERSON.” Anderson always loved music, and he was a huge Country music fan … There’s no doubt in my mind … Anderson is most definitely in the mix!
Once we got past the in-person introductions, hugs and small talk, it was time to talk about license plates. I said “Now, your license plate says “Davidson.” What is that? Gene said “It’s the county.” I said “My plate says ‘Anderson.’” Gene and Lucy then exchanged the same looks as Terence Mann and Ray Kinsella exchanged at Fenway Park when they simultaneously decided that they needed to travel to Chisholm, Minnesota to catch up with “Moonlight Graham” in the movie “Field of Dreams.” I can still hear Lucy’s sweet Southern voice “Nothing happens by chance, Rose.” Her bright, beautiful smile as she spoke these words will always stick with me … always …
Neither Gene nor Lucy had ever seen a license plate with Anderson’s name on it. Anderson County is hours away from Davidson County. I was in Nashville for five days, and I never saw another Anderson plate. Believe me … I looked for one.
I stayed in Anderson’s bedroom while in Nashville. I lied there each night for a good two hours before I fell asleep … and listened for Anderson’s gentle (but firm) guidance. I could feel his smile … I could feel his heart … I could feel his enthusiasm … as if to say “You go, girl.” This was a trip to remember … and it was most definitely another big stepping stone toward my ultimate goal …
Very soon after returning from Nashville, I typed up a two-page letter, and addressed it to a few people in the Marketing Department of Andersen Windows, stating that the chorus to “Big Picture Window” would be ideal for a commercial for Andersen Windows — especially with this incredible back-story! I told them that I thought Anderson would be willing to buy a vowel once the new ad campaign is launched. It was a beautiful, sunny day in Minnesota … I drove out to the corporate offices of Andersen Windows and gave my letters, together with photocopies of the “Anderson” license plate, to Andersen’s receptionist for distribution. Just two weeks ago, I received an e-mail from a representative of Andersen Windows, stating that she forwarded my “moving letter and beautiful song” to Andersen’s Marketing Department. I’m patiently waiting to hear back from them …
In line with “Field of Dreams” … Here’s “The Pitch.” I’m hoping that each and every one of you will check out “Big Picture Window” and share its YouTube link with as many friends and family members as you can. With your help, we can quickly get Andersen Windows’ undivided attention … Again, I think SQuire Rushnell, author of “When God Winks” and “Divine Alignment” would agree that more God winks have come my way.
One more important “pitch.” My friend, Gene, has written two books as a result of Anderson relaying what he wants Gene to reveal to the people here on earth. Gene’s first book is called “Anderson Speaks.” His second book is called “Anderson Speaks Again.” I read both books before I went to Nashville. These two books were life-changing for me. I highly recommend these books to one and all. You can find out more information about Gene and Anderson’s books at: http://www.geneskaggs.com/
With much love and appreciation to all … We’re going to make this happen …